Low Vision

Low Vision

Your eye health and vision will undergo many changes over the years, most of which can be corrected through the use of prescription eyewear, medical treatments, or eye surgery. Sometimes, vision loss can't be fixed with any of these remedies, leaving you with lower quality vision or low vision. At the office of Bradley J. Phillips, MD, LLC in Somerset, we can diagnose low vision and answer questions you may have about this condition. 

low vision

Types of Low Vision

Low vision refers to vision impairments that can't be improved by the use of eyeglasses and contacts or medical or surgical treatment. Some of the most common types of low vision are:

  • Loss of central vision (inability to see things clearly in the center of your vision)
  • Loss of peripheral vision (inability to see clearly from the corners of your eyes)
  • Loss of night vision (poor vision in low light)
  • Blurred or hazy vision

Causes of Low Vision

Low vision is more common among elderly seniors and can be caused by eye conditions like glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy caused by diabetes. Through regular eye exams, your Somerset ophthalmologist can catch these problems early so you can get treatment to avoid permanent vision loss that can lead to problems with low vision.

Signs of Low Vision

Low vision symptoms will vary depending on the type of low vision you have. In general, however, people with low vision may have trouble:

  • Recognizing the faces of people they know
  • Performing daily household or work tasks
  • Taking part in activities they enjoy like reading, watching TV, cooking, driving, computer work, etc.
  • Dressing properly due to an inability to match colors
  • Distinguishing street signs, names of stores, or prices on store products

Low vision can be prevented by early diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions like macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy caused by diabetes. By contacting your Somerset eye doctor at the first sign of vision problems, you can help protect and preserve your sight.

Low Vision Treatment

Although there’s no cure for low vision, your Somerset ophthalmologist can recommend ways to optimize the vision you have left so you can continue to live an independent lifestyle. Through the use of electronic reading aids and devices, you can optimize your remaining vision to enjoy activities such as reading, computer games, TV viewing, etc. Adaptive living equipment can help you perform daily household tasks. Through vision rehab and training services, you can learn how to adapt to your condition so you can enjoy a good quality of life.

Visit Our Ophthalmologist in Somerset, NJ

To learn more about low vision, contact Dr. Bradley J. Phillips in Somerset at 732-249-6101.

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