7 Signs You Might Have Eye Cataracts

Cataracts are one of the most common eye conditions, with over 20 million Americans over the age of 40 experiencing the eye problem. Unfortunately, cataracts can result in blindness. However, with early diagnosis, corrective surgery can provide a solution. If you have any of the following symptoms of cataracts, it is important to schedule an eye examination appointment immediately. Bradley J. Phillips MD LLC can help residents of Somerset and the surrounding area to find the right treatment options for cataracts.

Blurry vision: The most common symptom of cataracts is cloudy vision in the affected eye. In the beginning, you may experience very slight cloudiness which can leave you questioning if there has been any change. However, over time this symptom will increase leaving things looking dim and blurry.

Decreased night vision: As the lenses of your eyes become cloudy, it can become more difficult to see at night. After dark, you may notice that things seem dimmer than previously. Many people first notice this symptom while driving at night, which can be a safety concern.

Sensitivity to light: If you find yourself reaching for your sunglasses more often, you may be experiencing sensitivity to light. As your eyes become cloudy, they have difficulty adjusting to bright light and the result can be discomfort or even pain.

Light halos: Another symptom of cataracts related to light is visible halos. Lights, such as headlights or streetlights, may appear to have a ring around them. While the halo usually appears white, it can also appear blue, green, or a variety of other colors.

Double vision: Proving that more isn’t always better, seeing two of people or objects is another symptom of cataracts. A ghosted or lighter image may look as if it is next to or overlapped with the real object. Double vision can make it more difficult to read and cause problems with balance.

Dull colors or yellowing of vision: As cataracts advance, they take on a light brown or yellow tint. This can change the way you perceive colors. In some cases, images will seem less vivid. In other cases, you may notice that everything has a slightly yellow or brown tone as if you were looking at a sepia tone photograph.

Frequent vision changes: It is normal for vision to change over time, but if your vision is changing rapidly it may be a sign of cataracts. Many people who use reading glasses notice that they need stronger glasses more often than normal.

Schedule an Eye Care Appointment in Somerset, NJ

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of cataracts, the first step toward finding the best treatment is to schedule an eye exam appointment. Bradley J. Phillips MD LLC can diagnose and treat cataracts as well as provide all of the eye care services you need. Call us today at (732) 249-6101 to schedule an appointment.

For our Self-Pay patients, we provide a 15% off discount.

Please contact our office today to learn more.


  • Excellent physician and good bed side manner.
    I have searched for a doctor to just listen to me and not feel as I need a psychologist.
    Dr. Bradley Phillips is a great listener and based on my complaints performed certain tests.  He definitely eased my concerns!!! Excellent scientist. Recommended.

    - Cee R.
  • My optometrist referred me to Dr Phillips over 5 years ago. Excellent doctor. Very busy practice but the level of eye care provided by this office is well worth the wait.

    - Regina N.

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